Determine if a given binary tree is binary search tree.
- There are no duplicate keys in binary search tree.
- You can assume the keys stored in the binary search tree can not be Integer.MIN_VALUE or Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Corner Cases
- What if the binary tree is null? Return true in this case.
//time: 每一层call recursion function两次,所以2+4+8+... = O(n)
//space: 每一层是O(1),所以是O(height) (height = logn if balanced, height = n if unbalanced)
public boolean isBST(TreeNode root) {
return helper(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private boolean helper(TreeNode root, int min, int max) {
if (root == null) {
return true;
if (root.key < min || root.key > max) {
return false;
return helper(root.left, min, root.key - 1) && helper(root.right, root.key + 1, max);