Given two nodes in a binary tree (with parent pointer available), find their lowest common ancestor.
There is parentpointer for the nodes in the binary tree
The given two nodes are not guaranteed to be in the binary tree
/ \
9 12
/ \ \
2 3 14
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 14 is 5
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 9 is 9
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 8 is null (8 is not in the tree)
Solution 1: 用hashset记录出现过的node
public TreeNodeP lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNodeP one, TreeNodeP two) {
Set<TreeNodeP> set = new HashSet<>();
while (one != null && two != null) {
if (set.contains(one)) {
return one;
if (set.contains(two)) {
return two;
one = one.parent;
two = two.parent;
while (one != null) {
if (set.contains(one)) {
return one;
one = one.parent;
while (two != null) {
if (set.contains(two)) {
return two;
two = two.parent;
return null;
Solution 2: 先求2条path的长度,再把长的那条移到与短的相同位置后,求2 linkedlist的共同点