Given a positive integern, return the number of all possible attendance records with length n, which will be regarded as rewardable. The answer may be very large, return it after mod 109+ 7.

A student attendance record is a string that only contains the following three characters:

  1. 'A': Absent.
  2. 'L': Late.
  3. 'P': Present.

A record is regarded as rewardable if it doesn't containmore than one 'A' (absent)ormore than two continuous 'L' (late).

Example 1:

Input: n = 2

Output: 8 

There are 8 records with length 2 will be regarded as rewardable:
"PP" , "AP", "PA", "LP", "PL", "AL", "LA", "LL"
Only "AA" won't be regarded as rewardable owing to more than one absent times.

Solution: 先处理P和L的,P: 结尾为P且没有A,PorL: 结尾为P或A且没有A。P[i] = PorL[i - 1], PorL[i] = (P[i] + P[i - 1] + P[i - 2])。再往里面插入一个A

static final int M = 1000000007;

public int checkRecord(int n) {
    long[] PorL = new long[n + 1]; // ending with P or L, no A
    long[] P = new long[n + 1]; // ending with P, no A
    PorL[0] = P[0] = 1; PorL[1] = 2; P[1] = 1;

    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        P[i] = PorL[i - 1];
               //   P       PL         PLL
        PorL[i] = (P[i] + P[i - 1] + P[i - 2]) % M;

    long res = PorL[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // inserting A into (n-1)-length strings
        long s = (PorL[i] * PorL[n - 1 - i]) % M;
        res = (res + s) % M;

    return (int) res;

or: Letf[i][j][k]denote the # of valid sequences of lengthiwhere:

  1. There can be at most jA's in the entire sequence.
  2. There can be at most ktrailing L's.

We give the recurrence in the following code, which should be self-explanatory, and the final answer isf[n][1][2].

public int checkRecord(int n) {
    final int MOD = 1000000007;
    int[][][] f = new int[n + 1][2][3];

    f[0] = new int[][]{{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}};
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                int val = f[i - 1][j][2]; // ...P
                if (j > 0) val = (val + f[i - 1][j - 1][2]) % MOD; // ...A
                if (k > 0) val = (val + f[i - 1][j][k - 1]) % MOD; // ...L
                f[i][j][k] = val;
    return f[n][1][2];


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