Consider an unlimited flow of data elements. How do you sample k element from this flow, such that at any point during the processing of the flow, you can return a random set of k elements from the n elements read so far.
- k > = 1
You will implement two methods for a sampling class:
- read(int value) - read one number from the flow
- sample() - return at any time the k samples as a list, return the list of all values read when the number of values read so fas < = k.
You may need to add more fields for the class.
Solution: 记录count和list of samples,当新进一个元素时,count++,如果count <= k,直接加进list,否则求random.nextInt(count),如果index < k,则更新list中第index个元素为该元素
private final int k;
private List<Integer> samples;
private int count;
public Solution(int k) {
this.k = k;
count = 0;
samples = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public void read(int value) {
if (count <= k) {
} else {
int r = (int)(Math.random() * count);
if (r < k) {
samples.set(r, value);
public List<Integer> sample() {
return samples;